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Traditional Photography Techniques 2019


Using Traditional methods of creating images such as cyanotyping, using photographic negatives and exposure to light.

Alongside creating pieces using the cut and paste method to warp and distort images, rather than using digital methods.

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A Take/On DADA 2020


DADA was once used as a way to show and exert the negative reactions and the horrors and folly of World War 1. Yet again as an artist, being used in retaliation to the trepidation of our world leaders, and their insidious actions.

Cut and paste themed work inspired by DADA featuring modern day authority with reference to Jamie Reid.

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The Indisputable Debate, Black Lives Matter 2020


In a world where Racial Prejudice is still very much apparent and subordination is not an option. Individuals of all backgrounds come together during a global pandemic, to fight for BLM.

Showcasing a strong sense of protest, Constructivism and rebellion. Inspired by Hal Hefner's 'CONSUME' series.


Attention to Alternative Individuality 2020


As setting yourself apart from others and being a unique individual is becoming a more desired feat in society, It is important to document this confidence.

Featuring, a series of portraiture with a strong emphasis on contrast and fashion photography.

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A Web of Emotions 2020


To be human is to express our emotions and feelings without a reason as we do not need one, we just need to feel.

This series of portraiture exerts what it means to feel human and be in touch with emotion, through the use of expressions and colour.


Maladaptive Captivity 2020


The headspace of a suffering individual documenting their own life throughout the disquieting  pandemic of 2020, COVID-19.

A range of photographic techniques containing the subjective thoughts of a 17 year old.


Pride, Paint and Portraiture 2021


As an individual who is a part of the LGBTQ+ Community, I aimed to express different sexualities within this community using portraiture photography, and a range of different editing techniques.

This is important to me as this community has such a loud voice in modern society.

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Greek Inspired Queer Pottery 2022


Depictions of the story of Achilles & Patroclus imprinted on greek inspired amphorae.

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Juxtaposed Perfume Advertisement 2022


Exchanging the traditional feminine and masculine aspects of perfume adverts


Nothing Happened 2023

Script Supervisor

A short narrative film exploring the grey areas of sexism


See You In A Fortnight 2023


See you in a fortnight, named after a phrase coined by my father and grandparents’ farewells as I left to go back to my mother's house where I lived primarily explores an unstable relationship between a child and his father inspired by real events and personal experiences. 

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You Fuckers, I love You 2024


Being close to finishing university and graduating I’ve been feeling a lot of nostalgia recently as I visit certain things from my past. 

This short film is about finding a home and likeness in a group of people in a new place and seeing the similarities between past and present.

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